Tuesday 12 July 2011

Join Me On My Shiny New Blog!

To anyone who may have been wondering where I am, come and find me on my beautiful new blog:

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Mr Monster gets his blog on

I urge you all to visit Mr Monsters shiny new blog at:


I feature as Miss Monster which makes me very happy!

In other news.....Mr Monster and I have featured on one of my favourite websites 'The Berry':

Scroll down to photo number 10 (as long as you have a strong stomach...it's a bit soppy!)

The Monsters are taking over the internet!!

Saturday 21 May 2011

Happy Monster Home

Now then......Mr Monster and I have recently moved in together and have a very happy home. As a moving in gift my wonderful man bought me an easel along with some canvases, paints and brushes. I was thrilled but having not really picked up a brush in a while I was a little nervous of what I might produce.

The bedroom conveniently had two empty hooks so the Mister and I decide to set ourselves a challenge. We would both produce a painting based around the theme 'home is where the heart is'. We interpreted the theme in very different ways but are both pleased with the results which now hang proudly on our wall.

Baby Fever

Following on from the babygro project my mum asked me to make a monster for a friend of hers who is expecting, check out the results

Never Fear, The Mistress is Back

Hello there fabric fans. After moving house last week Mr Monster and I are now all moved in and the internet is up and running so I can finally show you all the exciting things I have been up to recently.

Firstly, the results of project Babygro are in and I am thrilled with them. Fi.....if you are reading this I am sooooooo sorry that I haven't sent them yet. proper scatter brain at the moment. Here are the little monsters for the little monsters!

Once I'm all settled and totally moved I am going to set this up as a little business so spread the word!

Monday 9 May 2011

Blogging WILL resume shortly!

Hello lovely internet peeps. I must apologise for my long blogging absence. Rest assured that monster activity has not ceased and I have lots of pictures to show you. Problem is....some of the keys on my laptop have stopped working (I am typing this on my work computer) so writing anything is a long and painful 'cut and paste' process.

I have been working on some exciting projects and have more in the pipeline so please do stay tuned. I will try and get some pictures up over the next few days.

Monday 18 April 2011

'Project Babygro' - A monster workshop in progress

I am having SO much fun working on Project Babygro. Remember the babygro's my cousin has asked me to turn into monsters for his kids?
I must admit I felt the weight of responsibility on my shoulders taking a very sharp pair of scissors to such special garments but once I overcame that little psychological hurdle I have been going great guns. One is almost complete and the other is fully formed in my head (although I must admit I have almost filled a sketch book with preliminary drawings to make sure they are absolutely right).

If these go well and Mummy and Daddy monster like them then I will maybe think about offering this kind of thing as a service to the public. Exciting yes?.....

Sunday 10 April 2011

Fur and Feathers - A new Fashion House is Born

Check out what Mr Monster and I got up to yesterday!

We bought a £20 charity shop jacket and then spent six happy hours together adding brocade, contrast fabric and safety pin details and changing the buttons. We were really happy with the results and got LOADS of compliments on it last night when he wore it out.

Hmmmm..............is Mr Monster starting to remind you of someone?!

Friday 1 April 2011

Belinda, The Fairy Goth-Mother

Look who just fluttered up to my bedroom window! Mr Monster grabbed his camera whilst she told me her story. Her name is Belinda, she is as mischievous as she is magical. One wave of her magic wand and chaos is sure to follow (speaking of her wand, it is entirely hollow and usually full of sherbet). She prides herself in coming to the aid of downtrodden maidens looking for their prince by way of her websitewww.charmingoralarming.com. However.....her matchmaking skills leave much to be desired and she is currently third in the list of the most common reasons for divorce, behind never having seen Blade Runner and buying tickets for Jedward in concert.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Clever Mr Monster

Look what Mr Monster did!

He spent eight solid hours designing and implementing this AMAZING scene on his guitar. I could look at it all day (and kinda have). When you look closely it tells a story and features many lovely monsters!

I took some shots of him performing with it yesterday. Mr Monster has been teaching me how to use my fancy DSLR camera in full manual mode and I am falling in love with photography.

Should you absolutely love the guitar, and want a better look with a view to buying it (bearing in mind it's a one of a kind art-piece), Mr Monster will consider letting it go for around £600 ono, or, if you'd like to have your guitar (or anything else for that matter) customised, he can work out an ad hoc price.

Isn't he clever?!

Sunday 27 March 2011

A Mistress at Work

I am currently busy monstering away on a few commissions, one of which I should have finished in the next couple of days. In the meantime I wanted to share with you this shot which Mr Monster snapped of me for a project he is working on. I am in my PJ's early on a saturday morning engrossed in a monster with a hot cup of tea......Bliss.

Friday 18 March 2011

Project Babygro

So... the babygros have arrived. I must admit they are very cute and giving me lots of ideas (whilst not making me at all clucky...ahem). I feel a trip to my beloved haberdashers coming on. I want these to be REALLY good as these baby clothes are so special to my cousin and his wife. It might take me a while but keep checking back for updates.

Sunday 13 March 2011

An Exciting Project

I have been set a lovely challenge by my cousin to make monsters from his kids baby-gro's which they don't fit into anymore. I think it is a wonderful idea and I can't wait to get started!

I'm not sure what angle to take just yet but I'm sure once I get my hands on the clothes, inspiration will strike.

Watch this space.......................

Thursday 10 March 2011

Do You Dare Me?

Mr Monster and I have been playing with tattoo pens. I love my little owl!

Monday 7 March 2011

Another Happy Monster Owner

Bertrum was welcomed into his new home at the weekend by his intended owner, my wonderful Nan. I hope he makes her very happy and also makes her lots of ice-cream.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Oswald the Merchant Banker

Allow me to introduce Oswald. His childhood dream was to become a Horse-whisperer but unfortunately he failed the medical. After a lot of soul searching he eventually decided to follow his father into merchant banking. Oswald is a real work-a-holic and never takes any holiday apart from one weekend every year when he goes to the Whitby goth festival. He claims that he goes because he is a big Bram Stoker fan..........really it is just an excuse to wear a suspender belt and some 'guy-liner'.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Bertrum Hickling and the Power of Flowers.

Meet my lovely fluffy friend Bertrum. He is currently winging his way to my home town on the train to meet his new owner, My Grandmother. He used to have a high-flying career in the city, you know the type. All starched collars and cocktails. However......the power of flowers made him realise that kind of life wasn't for him so he quit his job and bought an ice-cream van which plays a plinky-plunky version of Sympathy by the Rolling Stones. He now travels the country spreading dairy-based joy.

Monday 21 February 2011

Too Much Excitement For One Day!

Now then, those of you who have been following for a while may remember a post about my Mum's character doll creations. Well....she came down for a visit today and I was thrilled to find that she had dusted off her skills and made one of me! Check this out:
She comes complete with monster, sewing machine and bag of stuffing, as well as highlighting my penchant for mis-matched socks.

We had a great mother and daughter day out which included a trip to visit the 'sewing machine of dreams' We practically had to wipe the drool off of it as we left the shop. One day it will be mine....Oh yes, it will be mine.

The Mistress Gets Her Monster On.

Check these babies out! Designed and painted by my very talented and creative boyfriend. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Homes for Monsters

Two of my beloved monsters went to a good home this week. They were bought as gifts for these two little'uns. I hope they are not going to be a bad influence and tempt the kiddies into following their monsterous ways..........

Friday 18 February 2011

Fun-Fur Friday

Today I embarked on a new monster project using a material I have as yet not explored....Fun-Fur.

My Grandmother has requested a monster of her very own so I wanted to make her a cute, furry special something. In hindsight, perhaps some kind of fleece would have been sufficient. I figured 'in for a penny in for a pound' and bought some two inch long ice-blue fur. BIG mistake. This stuff is now lodged in all my nooks and crannies and I am not far away from coughing up some fur-balls. I hope it is worth it when it's all finished. Keep an eye on the blog, I should have a picture of the finished article up by the end of the weekend.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Light At The End Of The Proverbial Tunnel

Hello fabric-fans. I have been keeping my head down of late what with the extra work I have taken on so have had to put the monsers on hold. Can't risk being too distracted. However, as of two days from now all that work will be out of the way and I can get on with what I enjoy....MONSTERS!!

Watch this space.....

Monday 7 February 2011

A Little Sneaky Preview

Inspired by the comment of a friend, I am setting about the challenge of making the rest of popular zombie musical combo 'Shuffling Terror' starting with the guitarist. I wanted to whet your collective appetites with a little sneak preview of the work so far. It is proving to be a complicated project, not least because I have run out of thread (sad face).

Monday 31 January 2011

Cockadoodle Doo!....Time to meet Cherry, the 'Chicken Stripper'

Cherry is so called because of the cheeky cherry tattoo on her rump. Rumor has it that she had planned to get a tattoo of the blueprints for the millenium dome but changed her mind at the last minute. Cherry shakes her tale feather at a multitude of strip joints and spends the money which the punters stuff into her G-string on Jimmy Choos. Unfortunately, she never gets to wear them because, well.....she's a chicken.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Bear with...............bear with..........bear with........

Now then fabric fans..... A sincere 'THANK YOU' and big tight squeeze to everyone who has visited my blog so far. It's really great to know that people are enjoying my work and so lovely to hear your comments.

I have a million ideas bouncing around my brain at the moment and spent some time in haberdashery heaven today buying bits and pieces which caught my eye.

Unfortunately I have taken on some extra work just now so am a bit short on monster making time. I really hope you all stick with me. It is very tempting to stay up 'til 3am in a flurry of threads and buttons but that would mean I was a little cuckoo.

I am really hoping I might get a little time tomorrow so even if I don't get in a whole monster I will try and show you some work in progress.

See you soon
The Mistress xxx

Tuesday 25 January 2011

The 'Sexy New Sewing Machine' Challenge

Shhhhh.....keep your voice down, I don't want to upset my sewing machine. She was a much cherished christmas gift from my parents some years ago and has been a great friend to me. We have been through many trials together, from broken needles to wonky buttonholes and she has always done me proud.

I would hate for her to find out that I have met someone else. The Brother Innov-is 350. Sewing machine of dreams. Fully computerised, 294 stitch selections and 7-piece feed dog.

I feel I need to really earn such a fine piece of machinery so have set myself the 'Sexy New Sewing Machine' challenge. I can only buy this pretty little piece of kit using money raised through the sale of monsters. This week I have sold three small ones for a grand total of £63. Only £386 left to raise! I had better get sewing!

Monday 24 January 2011


I didn't have the time or the supplies to start any of my big projects which I have bubbling away in my mind but felt the need to do something so just bashed out a quick 45min monster called Junior. I'm not over the moon with him but he was an itch that I just had to scratch.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Alphonso McSkag

This mean looking beastie is Alphonso McSkag. Lead singer with zombie metal chart-toppers 'Shuffling Terror' Contrary to his zombie chums, he isn't fond of brains. Alphonso has a more sophisticated palate and besides that... he just finds them too squidgy. He has never kissed a girl, or worn lederhosen. While on tour, Alphonso demands his dressing room be equipped with a Wii fit so he can keep trim and avoid that unsightly muffin-top over his skinny, tartan jeans.

Tuesday 18 January 2011


I have charged myself with the task of making a monsterous little monster for someone who has brightened up my life of late. As I left work this evening I had a fledgeling idea in my mind and even had a name...Alphonso.

As I made my way home the cogs started to turn and by the time I got in through my front door Alphonso had become a fully formed piece of fibre art (in my head at least). My only slight concern is that his construction will involve playing with matches a little bit which has the potential to end very badly for both Alphonso and myself. Ah well, danger always was my middle name.

He might take a couple of evenings to come to fruition so watch this space for his arrival over the next couple of days. Right.....I'm off take the batteries out of my smoke detectors.

Sunday 16 January 2011


Say 'Hola' to Javier. A gun-slinging tough nut with a passion for fashion. He retains his vibrant skin tone by living on a diet of purple Smarties and Cadbury's chocolate, although he does only eat the wrappers and throws the chocolate away. Don't get on the wrong side of Javier....he is a sharp-shooter who is always bang on trend.

On a personal note, I think this is my favourite so far. I had the idea a while ago when bouncing around some ideas with a friend (for whom I made this as a gift). I didn't want to make it until I felt that I had the skills to do it justice so I am really happy with the end result.

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