Thursday 31 March 2011

Clever Mr Monster

Look what Mr Monster did!

He spent eight solid hours designing and implementing this AMAZING scene on his guitar. I could look at it all day (and kinda have). When you look closely it tells a story and features many lovely monsters!

I took some shots of him performing with it yesterday. Mr Monster has been teaching me how to use my fancy DSLR camera in full manual mode and I am falling in love with photography.

Should you absolutely love the guitar, and want a better look with a view to buying it (bearing in mind it's a one of a kind art-piece), Mr Monster will consider letting it go for around £600 ono, or, if you'd like to have your guitar (or anything else for that matter) customised, he can work out an ad hoc price.

Isn't he clever?!

Sunday 27 March 2011

A Mistress at Work

I am currently busy monstering away on a few commissions, one of which I should have finished in the next couple of days. In the meantime I wanted to share with you this shot which Mr Monster snapped of me for a project he is working on. I am in my PJ's early on a saturday morning engrossed in a monster with a hot cup of tea......Bliss.

Friday 18 March 2011

Project Babygro

So... the babygros have arrived. I must admit they are very cute and giving me lots of ideas (whilst not making me at all clucky...ahem). I feel a trip to my beloved haberdashers coming on. I want these to be REALLY good as these baby clothes are so special to my cousin and his wife. It might take me a while but keep checking back for updates.

Sunday 13 March 2011

An Exciting Project

I have been set a lovely challenge by my cousin to make monsters from his kids baby-gro's which they don't fit into anymore. I think it is a wonderful idea and I can't wait to get started!

I'm not sure what angle to take just yet but I'm sure once I get my hands on the clothes, inspiration will strike.

Watch this space.......................

Thursday 10 March 2011

Do You Dare Me?

Mr Monster and I have been playing with tattoo pens. I love my little owl!

Monday 7 March 2011

Another Happy Monster Owner

Bertrum was welcomed into his new home at the weekend by his intended owner, my wonderful Nan. I hope he makes her very happy and also makes her lots of ice-cream.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Oswald the Merchant Banker

Allow me to introduce Oswald. His childhood dream was to become a Horse-whisperer but unfortunately he failed the medical. After a lot of soul searching he eventually decided to follow his father into merchant banking. Oswald is a real work-a-holic and never takes any holiday apart from one weekend every year when he goes to the Whitby goth festival. He claims that he goes because he is a big Bram Stoker fan..........really it is just an excuse to wear a suspender belt and some 'guy-liner'.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Bertrum Hickling and the Power of Flowers.

Meet my lovely fluffy friend Bertrum. He is currently winging his way to my home town on the train to meet his new owner, My Grandmother. He used to have a high-flying career in the city, you know the type. All starched collars and cocktails. However......the power of flowers made him realise that kind of life wasn't for him so he quit his job and bought an ice-cream van which plays a plinky-plunky version of Sympathy by the Rolling Stones. He now travels the country spreading dairy-based joy.

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