Monday 21 February 2011

Too Much Excitement For One Day!

Now then, those of you who have been following for a while may remember a post about my Mum's character doll creations. Well....she came down for a visit today and I was thrilled to find that she had dusted off her skills and made one of me! Check this out:
She comes complete with monster, sewing machine and bag of stuffing, as well as highlighting my penchant for mis-matched socks.

We had a great mother and daughter day out which included a trip to visit the 'sewing machine of dreams' We practically had to wipe the drool off of it as we left the shop. One day it will be mine....Oh yes, it will be mine.

The Mistress Gets Her Monster On.

Check these babies out! Designed and painted by my very talented and creative boyfriend. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Homes for Monsters

Two of my beloved monsters went to a good home this week. They were bought as gifts for these two little'uns. I hope they are not going to be a bad influence and tempt the kiddies into following their monsterous ways..........

Friday 18 February 2011

Fun-Fur Friday

Today I embarked on a new monster project using a material I have as yet not explored....Fun-Fur.

My Grandmother has requested a monster of her very own so I wanted to make her a cute, furry special something. In hindsight, perhaps some kind of fleece would have been sufficient. I figured 'in for a penny in for a pound' and bought some two inch long ice-blue fur. BIG mistake. This stuff is now lodged in all my nooks and crannies and I am not far away from coughing up some fur-balls. I hope it is worth it when it's all finished. Keep an eye on the blog, I should have a picture of the finished article up by the end of the weekend.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Light At The End Of The Proverbial Tunnel

Hello fabric-fans. I have been keeping my head down of late what with the extra work I have taken on so have had to put the monsers on hold. Can't risk being too distracted. However, as of two days from now all that work will be out of the way and I can get on with what I enjoy....MONSTERS!!

Watch this space.....

Monday 7 February 2011

A Little Sneaky Preview

Inspired by the comment of a friend, I am setting about the challenge of making the rest of popular zombie musical combo 'Shuffling Terror' starting with the guitarist. I wanted to whet your collective appetites with a little sneak preview of the work so far. It is proving to be a complicated project, not least because I have run out of thread (sad face).

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