Monday 10 January 2011

From Little Acorns...

I wanted to share with you a little of where my enthusiasm for fabric art comes from. My very talented mother has an affinity for fabric and has been making things for as long as I can remember. The projects which stick in my memory most of all are the character dolls she used to make for her friends and colleagues back when I was growing up.

She works in a primary school, actually the same one where I spent my formative years and in the great British tradition, we had some great and eccentric characters working there. Perfect material for making a fabric caricature. Staff used to get excited around birthdays and special occasions, hoping they would be in receipt of one of these little works of art

This is just a small selection and what you can't see is that they often had fancy underwear, union jack knickers and the like.

Like mother like daughter.


  1. aww cute! I love the old man one :D x

  2. There was a rumour that the man in question wore a toupee so this doll had its hair attached with velcro. Luckily he saw the funny side! x


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