Thursday 6 January 2011

Hello Peeps....This Could be the Start of a Beautiful Friendship

Now then.....we all know that my last attempt at blogging didn't go so well. Five posts followed by a loooong silence. You would have every reason to doubt my commitment to such a project however, this time I am determined to keep it going.

So what has changed I hear you cry?

I now have 'a thing'. Let me begin at the beginning

I come from a family of largely frustrated creative types and seem to have the genes which make me full of ideas but lacking an outlet for them. At school I discovered the joys of textile art thanks to an inspirational and enthusiastic teacher, Sue Smith. She saw my potential and nurtured me for four years through GCSE's and A-levels to a point where I considered making textile art a career. However, as seems to be typical of me I changed my mind at the last minute and floated around for a few years feeling less and less fulfilled and more and more unhappy.

After forging a successful career in dentistry and stifling my creative urges almost entirely, I was starting to forget who I was and what I was here for. Following a difficult year and a broken heart (funny how they give you a kick up the bum), my artistic temperament just couldn't be held back any longer and started to burst forth all higgledy-piggeldy in what could only be described as a state of chaos. Inspired by a friend and very generous human-being (you know who you are), I decided to give illustration a go. I loved it but just didn't have the skills to get the characters in my head down onto paper.....frustrating yes?

Sooooo, why not make them come to life? I can't for the life of me remember what started it all off but beginning with monsters made of old socks and progressing to fabrics of all kinds, I dusted off my trusty sewing machine and got sewing. I am increasingly pleased with the results as my rusty skills start to come together again. I quite literally can not stop!

And why am I blogging again? I watched the movie Julie/Julia at the weekend. A true story about the woman who cooked her way through Julia Child's 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking' in a year and blogged about it. She was a frustrated writer in a job which wasn't right for her and felt that she never finished the things she started. Sound familiar? She found that blogging gave her the motivation to see the project through and I hope it will do the same for me. Even if no-one ever reads it then I don't mind.

Stick with me....

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your blogging again and your creatures are amazing :)

    I so know what you mean about being full of ideas, i am so bad at stopping and starting on things but i think you have too until you find what you love!

    Looking forward to seeing all your new blog posts! x


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